Papupata Documentation


These guides should help you get started. For more details, make sure to take a look at the API reference.

Declaring APIs


This guide will help you declare APIs whether to model the APIs your application is going to implement them, call them or both.

Types for path and query

This guide will help you understand all the possibilities and limitations of types supported in path and query parameters.

Query-based variants

Sometimes APIs differ from each other just by their query parameters. This can be presented in papupata, as well.

Accessing metadata

This guide will help you access metadata from any declared APIs.

Sharing APIs declarations

This guide will help you share your API declarations.


Setting up papupata

This guide will go through all the basic configuration needed to call APIs declared with papupata.

Calling APIs

This guide will go through the specifics of how to call APIs using papupata

Custom request adapters

This guide gives you an undestanding of how to change the way papupata does its requests, for example by adding authentication headers.


This guide will help you with testing client code that calls APIs using papupata


Setting up papupata

This guide will go through all the basic configuration needed to start implementing APIs with papupata.

Implementing APIs

This guide will go trough all the specifics of actually implementing APIs.

Interacting with express

This guide will help you with incorporating papupata with an existing express application, using the existing middleware and implementations.


Middleware can be used to change the behaviour of APIs. This guide covers how to use and implement middeware in papupata.


This guide will help you with testing server code that implements APIs with papupata.